Our Hopes and Dreams
Each student in Room 13 has identified a specific, individual goal that he/she hopes to accomplish in second grade. As a class, we have agreed to help each other work toward achieving these important goals.
Our Hopes and Dreams are as follows:
Julia B.: I want to get better at subtracting.
Julie: I want to get better at handwriting.
Anthony: My hope and dream is to discover stuff in science.
Henry: My hope and dream is to get better at writing.
Ainsley: My hope and dream is to learn about fossils.
Andrew: I want to have fun in school.
Cameron: I want to improve my spelling.
Emily: My hope and dream is to be a better scientist. I really like animals.
Julia M.: My hope and dream is to be a good friend by helping others.
Gavin: I want to get better at sports.
Lucas: I want to get better at spelling.
Keifer: My hope and dream is to become a better and quicker math student.
Isabelle: My hope is that everyone has fun in the classroom.
Hayes: I want to learn more nature.
Ryan: I want to be a better scientist.
Elana: My hope and dream is to get better at reading.
Marco: I want to get better at reading.
Lily: I want to learn more math and science.
Cassie: I want to get better at reading.
Classroom Rules
After identifying their goals, students worked together to created a list of classroom rules that they feel will help as they work toward achieving their Hope and Dream.
Our Classroom Rules are as follows:
1. Respect others' feelings.
2. Keep each other safe.
3. Be quiet when others are talking and working.
4. Take care of our classroom and our school.
5. Try your best and have fun.